Radiant Systems Inc. is the product of wholesome American ingenuity, founded on the premise of creating innovative and sustainable radiant heating products/ solutions to solve the everyday challenges of heating homes and businesses. Grown from and manufactured in Valentine, Nebraska since 1984, Radiant Systems Inc.’s Comfort Cove® products have become a staple in countless homes and businesses across North America. Proudly made in the USA, Comfort Cove® radiant heating products save homeowners money and energy using the latest innovations in infrared radiant heat.
We started like most American businesses, by an individual with an idea and determination. Our story began back in 1984 with founder and owner, Kirk Sharp. Production began in his basement and is now operating out of a 30,000-square foot factory. The Comfort-Cove® heater has constantly been innovated, engineered, and improved for optimum performance, for the last 40 years.
Dear Valued Customer:
Thank you for your interest in Comfort Cove®!
Manufacturing Comfort Cove® radiant heaters has been very rewarding for me, due not only to radiant heat's growth in popularity, but also because we are helping people with an efficient and cost effective home heating solution. The phone calls and letters we receive have a common theme: "Total Satisfaction." It's reassuring to know we are making a positive difference in our customers' level of home comfort and safety. A high percentage of our customers wish they had installed Comfort Cove® years ago.
We are an honest company and what we say in our literature is true. I want to continue to grow this business, and the only way to grow is to acquire more customers and keep our current customers happy. Bottom Line: our product must perform as described. If you have any questions or concerns about our Comfort Cove® radiant heaters, simply call or email me and I will be happy to talk with you. Thank you again for choosing to take a closer look at our product. I will consider it a privilege to be of further service to you.
Yours in heating,
Kirk Sharp
Phone: 402-376-3030
800 Number: 800-314-9303
Fax: 402-376-3064
Address: Radiant Systems Inc.
1006 West Hwy 20 • P.O. Box 47
Valentine, Nebraska 69201
Business Hours: 8am - 5 pm
Monday - Friday